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Opgepikt van Playing by the book, zie ook hier. Met een link naar Books2eat.
' To enter the festival you should create an edible book, take two photos of it and email them to me, zoe.toft@kuvik.net by Friday March 16 2012 (please feel free to email me your pictures any time before then – it would be helpful if you didn’t leave it until March the 16th if possible).
Hier laat ik het even bij... Omdat ik komende dagen even afwezig ben, zal ik geen eetbare inzendingen kunnen verzorgen.
Opgepikt van Playing by the book, zie ook hier. Met een link naar Books2eat.
' To enter the festival you should create an edible book, take two photos of it and email them to me, zoe.toft@kuvik.net by Friday March 16 2012 (please feel free to email me your pictures any time before then – it would be helpful if you didn’t leave it until March the 16th if possible).
NB One of your photos should include something that “time dates” the photo eg a newspaper, your computer monitor with this page in the background etc. This is to ensure that no-one submits photos of cakes they have simply found on the web. Your second photo should be the best photo you can take of your cake. I will use this photo in an online gallery of all submitted cakes.
In your submission email please include the title/author/illustrator of the book on which your edible book is based, and a sentence or two about what in particular inspired your edible book.
Children can enter, families can enter, bakers can enter. Even authors and illustrators can enter (maybe you’ll create an edible version of one of your printed books ). Do you run a children’s bookshop? Or library? Your customers (and you!) could enter… Are you a teacher? Maybe your pupils would like to enter?
Entries are welcome from all over the world, based on children’s books in any language. The only people who aren’t eligible to enter this competition are Mélanie (one of the competition judges – see below) and myself.
Each family may enter up to two edible books to the festival. 'Hier laat ik het even bij... Omdat ik komende dagen even afwezig ben, zal ik geen eetbare inzendingen kunnen verzorgen.